Results of FCI CACIT Agility competitions
You can only view here the results of the FCI international CACIAG Agility competitions that have been confirmed since 01/01/2018.
Any CACIAG (Agility) proposal that has not yet been confirmed (homologated) by the FCI Head Office is being processed and therefore does not appear in the online lists of results.
In order to view a list of results, please select:
1. the year of the competition or all the results since 01/01/2018
2. the organising country (= the country of the organiser of the competition)
3. the city of the competition
4. the date of the competition
You can then print the CACIAG (Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International d’Agility) gained by your dog from the list of results (click on
The FCI awards are no longer sent by post by the FCI Head Office.