3 mai 2016

Working Group for Restructuring the FCI (WGRF) (follow-up)

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From left to right : Y. De Clercq, R. Wirtz (FCI Legal Counsellor), P. Friedrich (VDH), C. Molinari, C. Stefanescu (AChR), J. Hindse, E. Anttinen (Suomen Kennelliitto), G. Jipping, A.B.Santos and J.L. Payró

The Working Group for Restructuring the FCI (WGRF), whose first meeting was held in Madrid on January 13th, held its second meeting in Lisbon on 27-28 April, 2016.  The working group appointed earlier this year by Rafael de Santiago, the FCI President, went through the points on the agenda of a very productive meeting in the most positive state of mind.  The FCI Statutes and Standing Orders were examined and fully discussed, point by point, with the clear intention of modernising them.  The last and final meeting of the WGRF is planned in September, aiming at completing the proposal to be submitted to the General Committee.  All the members of the group declared themselves very satisfied and proud of the good job done.


Yves de Clercq
FCI Executive Director

J. Hindse
President of the WGRF