24 octobre 2016

The world of cynology has lost one of its charismatic Portuguese judges

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Manuel LOUREIRO BORGES, FCI all-breed Judge, passed away on October 18 2016 at 57 years of age.

Manuel was involved with dogs since early childhood and together with his father and brother he bred Cão da Serra de Aires, under kennel name DO MAGOITO, helping this breed to survive and be established in its homeland. His passion was the Portuguese breeds as well as breeds of the Pastoral/Herding Group, Welsh Corgis Pembroke in particular.

He was past President of the Clube do Cão da Serra de Aires, the Clube Portugues dos Caes de Pastor Britanico, member of the CPC Judges Committee and Vice President of the Clube Portugues de Canicultura (CPC).  He was active in several areas of the canine world, namely as organiser of dog shows and promoting Forums for breeders and exhibitors.

An FCI all-breed Judge of international fame, he judged very often abroad, in all continents and in the majority of the FCI countries. He was passionate about this sport and truly enjoyed judging dogs. He felt at home in the rings and was a considerate to exhibitors and very well liked and respected worldwide.

The FCI General Committee wishes to express its deepest sorrow to Manuel's family and all the CPC team.


Y. De Clercq
FCI Executive Director